Sunday, October 23, 2011

If a Tree Fall's

If a Tree Falls
This article that I read entitled If a Tree Falls was a very unique, and interesting article, and I liked it very well. It was mainly about this guy who goes by the name Curry Marshall, who has a degree in comparative religion, from Swarthmore college, and experience as a senior producer at a New York multimedia design firm. He got his first start in film making, by directing and editing the 2005 documentary Street Fight.  This marvelous documentary that he shot was about the grassroots, the underdog candidate, named Cory Booker’s attempt to unseat Sharpe James, the longtime mayor of Newark.
 His fans or his audience was very impressed by this major achievement, by the determination to cover of the campaign, despite James’ attempt to control all media coverage, of his public appearances. This film was so tremendous, and marvelous, it aired on PBS, and then later on, it got two Oscars and Emmy nomination. But to sum up this article, called If a Tree Falls it tells you a true story of a environmental Earth Liberation, Front activist, Daniel McGowan, who faced life in prison, for his participation in the burning of two timber facilities. This film have received  best documentary awards , and a Best Documentary Editing Award. This article if watched by many people should take you back to the tragic 9/11 event and shows you how we need to enforce the 9/11 policies more.
The Green Scare mainly introduced the lexicon in 2003, this Green Scare is a term which means, the orchestrated campaign, to paint their movement as a form of domestic terrorism. This term Green Scare seeks a lot of attention, to explain why so many environmental activists appear on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. As well as why and how some activists end up in maximum security prisons. In this film If a Tree Falls, nobody doesn’t mention the word the Green Scare by name, but it does show what the Green Scare is, in action.
Within two decades, the United States has had experienced multiple assaults on the twin towers, in NYC, and the horrific bombing of government offices in Oklahoma.  In the 1990’s, both local and national news stations,  started to inform the term “terrorists”, to environmental activists, who had never harmed, or killed a human being in any way. Law enforcement has directly focused on the environmental activists in a violent way. By intimidating the people who been protesting in the streets.  
If a tree falls is a very bad, but yet difficult, film to watch, mainly because of the police who assaulted peaceful, nonviolent resistant, environmental protesters, with strong-arm tactics, and with chemical weapons? The most memorable scene from this article is, when police officers held the heads, of young female activists, who sat with their arms linked together, while other officers apply liquid pepper spray, directly to their eyes, with Q-Tips. Which is extremely uncaused for, and wrong of the police to act in an idiotic way?
One thing that I didn’t know about this article If a Tree Fall, was that it was a article and a film. Also this article was very informative to me, as well as to others, who had read it. Also it tells you, and goes step by step, what this article is about, as well as the cause and effect of this article.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

G-20 Benton 102 500 Word Essay

In the article that I read, entitled A Different Sort of Hope: What I learned in Pittsburg, Part 2, which was a good article to read. Because in my opinion, it was very informative to me, as well as to others, who have read it. In this article, it was a main focus on the G-20, and explaining how the G-20 event held in Pittsburg, is either a very good thing, or a very bad thing. In this event of the second march, at Pittsburg they planned to once again, attend another downtown march, at the convention area, and then march across the city, to join up with the resist G-20 non-permit protest.
 When they finally arrived, they still set eyes and saw the protestors, as well as groups of tourist. And not to forget about the police, who was armed, and ready with extreme back up, with their horses by their side? The police was armed heavily, from head to toe, as they were walking, they noticed a group of Japanese tourists, with the G20 badge around their necks. A person from this camp was taking pictures of this event, as well as with groups of attractive females.
 And the officers allowed them to take pictures, but someone ask the officer can you take a picture with use. And the officer didn’t seem happy, about being in a picture. But while they was in the group trying to see if the officer would want to take a picture with us, somebody snapped a picture without any permission. As being view by us, we seen people marching with signs held in their hands. Christian people, who had attended the march, shouted we should follow Jesus.
 Amazingly, and shockingly, 420 activists used this opportunity of the G20 event, to advance their voices to be heard, for freely obtained legal weed. It took us two hours to walk across the city, to join up with the Arsenal Park protest rally. But when we got there, we were shocked, and surprised, that the place we were trying to go to see had been blocked off. As well as many other streets, so now we are walking our legs off, and very tired.
 So we decided to try to find another way around the road blocks, there wasn’t really any short cuts, because of all the roads had been blocked off. So we took the long route. Now it’s night time, of our day two event, and we didn’t even get to make it at the protest. But luckily we were able to talk to the patrons, and they informed us, that everyone was warned away, because of the media promoted narrative, of violence. But the Patrons that I talked to, on most of the trip, told me how we feared the local media.
 Later that night, we saw videos of the police, and the black blocks. Which are marchers who dressed in all black? Because their march wasn’t permitted, so they always had to hide their faces. Later on that night, police began shooting rubber bullets, pepper spray, and tear gas, at the students on the grounds; also they proceeded to fire into the dorm balconies, and stairwells, at students, simply observing the confrontation. Which had no reason for, this article mainly talks about how the G-20 is being held, and what happens at the G-20, and how the top 20 richest countries, has the most power to make a major move, to bring good things.
Or at least try to, but on the other hand, the police who promised that they would have a road block,  so that cars wouldn’t be able to come through,  so we could march. Was still active, so theses officers lied to us, on day three we attended the march, and they had music, people sung, various speakers explained their causes, and a general sense of progressive politics was communicated. But Its sadly to say more, people don’t know about the G-20, and when it’s held, or never even heard about it. But they really do need to educate their selves on this information, which is the G-20 held in Pittsburg.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Last Word Video Responce 500 Words

In this video that I watched, it was very graphic, and disturbing to me, and I know to others viewers who has seen this violent and brutal assault, for no apparent reason. Like the person on MSNBS had said, this new technology that is out, such as a digital camera, or cell phone, can be very useful. But also dangerous, to a person who is being a victim of assault, digital cameras, or a cell phones, with a ability to record, can be a threat to the police, by all means necessary. Especially, when they are caught on camera, in their wrong doing, to others, which in this case, is assault, as well as pepper spraying people, for no apparent reason at all.
Police slammed a man, on the bottom of the front end of  a Volvo, and on his way down, he got slammed on the concrete. All because he was recording this marvelous event, that the whole world needed to see. Because we live in a county, that is supposed to be the land of the free, and our police is suppose to protect us, against violent criminal activity. But then they are mostly the ones, participating in violent criminal activity. So if you ask me, things like this, has been going on way before a person was able to invent the digital camera.
Or before a person was equipped, to start recording brutal activity, or assaults, on a digital camera, or a cell phone. So what does this really say about our police? Or the people that we look up to in our society, the higher authority that is. It seems to me, that they are not no different then a person who broke the law, and got sentenced by a judge. Because you would think, being an officer, or any law enforcement, on the force, of any type, that this would never go on. I will state, that this isn’t suppose to go on, but that don’t mean it doesn’t exist,  around the world. My personal opinion, about this article is, that the biggest threat to a person, or people, is the police.
Or the government, or anything that has to do with the law! Because I take this video, and I take life, like this, you have a badge, or you’re a judge, or you a higher power, then they think they can break the law, because of who they are. And get away with it , without, any consequences.  And that’s mostly true, for the most part, how many time has a person seen on the news, where a police killed a person, who wasn’t a threat to that officer. And the officer, didn’t get know type of incarceration, because of who they are. All the commissioner does is, ask that they resign from the police force, or turn in their badge in, and most of the time the commissioner does nothing.
The real trouble makers, are the ones with the badges, the one with the pepper spray, as well as the guns. Also, I didn’t find anyone doing anything in legal grounds for arrest. It wasn’t just the police who was causing caouse, it was a least one commander, who had slammed a man’s head into a parked Volvo. As well as pepper spraying people, without, any conceivable, justification, at  this horrible event.
Even though you see from this video, it shows you the wrong doing, caused by the police, but the police department is defending its trouble makers, by saying, our police did nothing wrong. But the police department is always a sham, from the start, to finish, to defend the police conduct.  But they worst conclusion, about this video is, that no police will be charged, in a single assault, battery, or lose a day’s pay, and definitely, won’t be arrested.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Robinson 1
Micheal D Bentson
English 102
Everybody Should Support Gay Marriage
Many of us around the world like the same sex or like the opposite sex, today I come to persuade you to be more for same sex marriage then against it. Same sex marriage use to be something that a lot of people weren’t aware of. But as the future progressed on it seems to me it’s every were. It’s not more of a hobby it’s like more of a culture. I guess homosexuals were tired of being in the closet, and they wanted to expose their self by going public.
Because who homosexuals are, they are individuals who just want the equal respect as individuals who are heterosexual. Me personally I really approve of same sex marriage, under one condition and that is that they be given the equal respect, and treated fairly. To love someone that’s the key to happiness, rather its
marriage, or just a dating relationship. Every individual wants to be loved, and wants to find their soul mate to enjoy their happiness together.
 It don’t matter what race or culture you are, there’s somebody for some one.  I mean look at life like this nobody wants to be alone, because when you are alone you are truly miserable. Well only if time progress on for a mighty long time. Same sex couples have variety of options when it comes to being a part of the same sex marriage.
Even though when you are a part of the same sex marriage, you can’t have kids, because kids are made only by male and female couples. But when you are a part of same sex couples, or same sex marriage, you can adopted a child and raise a child like heterosexual couples does. There are a lot of kids in the world who a less fortunate, and don’t have the ability to have no parents or siblings to raise them. So being apart and allowing the same sex couples to marry, the will be able to adopt a child and give them the love, and caring which all kids need.

Adopt a child is something that is very important to people who love kids! Some kids might not have the ability to be a child because when you don’t have anybody to care and love you, how can you enjoy your childhood life. Adopt a
child consist of many things such as orphans, foster care kids, who need love and group home kids. And I know that it’s not all roses to any of these kids.
Especially feed the children, which is a nationwide organization nationwide.  Gay marriage should be legalized in all fifty states, because there in the constitution its states that you have the right to love. And if they don’t allow gay couples to marry then they would be breaking more than one of the amendments. People might not like anything that consists of gay marriage, but eventually it will be looked oven and it will be legalized in all fifty states.
But it’s just takes time, and that’s just how life goes, people may agree with me such as people like Ellen DeGeneres, because she say. “If you love someone then you should be entitled to their love, especially if you want to marry them”. Which comes from the article that I read which can be watch on YouTube? By searching for the Ellen DeGeneres, McCain John, Gay Marriage Debate.
“All love is the same and all love is love so let every individual love one another rather it’s the same sex or opposite sex.” And in today’s society everybody isn’t owned the same things which consist of sexual reasons and racial reasons.    

Work Cited
-Rauch, Jonathan, Gay Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America, Times Books, 2004.
-Polikoff, Nancy, Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage, Beacon Press, February 1, 2008.
-Ellen DeGeneres, McCain John, Gay marriage debate,
-Bush Darryl, Should gay marriage be legal?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital

  In the article called Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital was more of a informative article in my oponion. It informs you that the education of the United States is based on the a state of emergency. Also how its prevailing on the down side of failure. It goes into deatails and speakes about George W Bush's no Child Left Behind legislation.
  But who dont really need to blame the schools that the kids are attending, who takes the most blame is capital system. Because it is a growing failure, and now that we see the problem we need to fix it. The people in United States live in a era of structural crisis associated with a newer phase of capitalism. And we the people in United States go by a monopoly finance capital.
  Which is broke down into three major things the first one is the economic stagnation in the mature capitalist economies. Second is a dramatic shift to financialization, or economic expansion. And third the rapid concentration of capital on a global scale. We live in United States and the society that we live in is based off education.
  But the slow growth of the economy's endemic is  to search for new markets for investment. So under theses circumstances we refer to public education in the United States as an unexploited market opportunity. Education is a major move not only in the United States but its everywhere, because you have to have education in order to have a job. But the political economy of capitalist schooling way back in the 1970's was more to educate the secondary education in pioneering work.
 Schooling in Capitalist America was to illusion you on what the schooling and the schools was supose to be like. But by the 1980's the deterministic and economistic wasnt accounting for the complex cultural ways in which students and educators negotiated with the system. But alot of people do believe that the Schooling in Capitalist America is a constitute a useful springboard. From which it address the political economy of capitalist schooling.
  But this article states that schooling under capitalism is countered by powerful democratic resistance movements. Which I truely agree with, but schooling is meant to be taught and to serve production. But some may not know what the purpose of the elementary and secondary school's are for? The elementary and secondary school's are to power the production's of education.
  Also schools are mainly designed to reproduce existing classes and groupings. As well as  reinforce and legitimize the social relations of production of capitalist society as a whole. But verry little success or schooling comes from the secondary or elementary levels. Because much less knowledge is needed for later employment. But what you need for a good structure of is vocational-training institutes and colleges.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Responce # 4, Caring In Education

  In this article called Caring In Education, you will be inform on how Nel Noddings explores education, and the caring relationships in education. As well as the difficulties, and the ecounters it has. Some may say that all teachers on earth, care about their students. But this is not a fact, because we have some teachers who teach, are not good teachers.
  Because they are rude, cruel, as well as uncaring. Also they need to have their teaching liscense revolked. Because if you don't love you feild, and show caringness about you and your job, you shouldnt have one. That was my personal opinion, there are many of people who dont adapt, and adopt, to thei rrelational sense of caring.
  All teachers on earth should want to educate all their student, to furthure there education, to the best of their ability.  But the teachers who do a horrible job at teaching,  might be because of their lack of unable to establish relations of care, and trust. But the teachers who say they care, and really dont, should see if the students agree with them or not. Because most students had a teacher who dont care, or really do care.
   But when you go into major details in the relational sense of caring, we cannot look only at the teachers. We have to look at the students as well, because alot of students is very hard on teachers. But you have to learn to adaot to this issuse, when you want to be a teacher. Research have been found that in recent years they described schools and classrooms in which teachers profess to care and work hard.
  But in the research that we have found we need to study, because we must look at teachers, students and different situations. Some people may say student and teachers both lack care and trust, and might need to develope  a relation base on theses things. Some may say the classrooms need to be smaller so that the fewer student, and one teacher can estabalish a relationship of lack and trust. Some may say that more attention should be given to students and their interest.
  Or testing should be reduced, so that teacher and students can explore topics of mutual interest more better. When you care for some one you will not lead them in the wrong way but you will advise them in your best of your ability. Alot of people say that relational view difficult for many educators. But then again some people may say that the relational view is hard for alot of American thinkers to accept.
  This is mainly  because of the Western tradition and how it puts such great emphasis on individualism. But how you treat a person is a main key to how good or bad they can be. But another major reason that the relational view is difficult for some educators to accept is. That people in alot of cultures have been taught to believe that teacher knows best.
  This article titled Caring In Education was a very good article and I would refer to may who wan't to know about teachers and students. I like it and had the same views about this article. This article was mainly to tell a story and touch it's readers by their view and get them to better understand Caring In education.
  This article and  RSAnimate of chaing education are vary similar about education and the teaching method and the teachers. They both see that many cultures share similarities, and education is a must.  They both take same side interest in caring for education and how its viewed, and changing education. Also by looking at the students view points.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Responce # 3, Some Place Like America

   Hobo Kenneth Burr was thirty years of age, and he was murdered on December 5, 1984 in Santa Barbara, California. Shortly after his death, fliers was attached to telephones, stating you are not welcome hear in Santa Barbara. And we will make life very difficult for you, and I got a group of people who standing behind me as well. The fliers stated BEWARE, it also stated tree people, which reffered to homeless people who slep in a park under Moreton Bay fig tree.
  The issuse was the people who hated these tree people, was to scare away the homeless people.  Cops was sweeping the homeless at night, as well as to make them feel even more uncomfortable. For the journalist, they knew they had a good story to talk about. So Micheal Williamson and I preted to be homeless people, and see what there life is like, to get a good story.
  We ran accross Crazy Red, and Rick and they showed us around. Also they showed us were Burr's body was found, they meet up with four other people, and when the night was dark they slep. But before they was able to sleep, they seen the police with threw flashing lights, and they was moving in fast. The real homeless people referred to America as a iconic landscape, places of lost dreams, and hard lived lives.
 This answer came into topic when Micheal said to Red, how can they do this to us. The police that is?  Red stated that my America is also seen up close, in the eyes of its people. He also says we are wounded as a culture too, because most of us are soft, bewildered, and made numb by our losses. This book  kind of gets confusing on whos telling the story.
  But Ima try to figure out whos telling it, also he talks about how hard it is in America, and about the jobs lost and the economy. And one women who is a waiter, and she'll prolly have to work the rest of her life, because she can't retire. He was hired as a police reporter, at the Sancramento Bee. But he was drawn into the lives of homless people, as well as Micheal Williamson.
  Micheal stated, this wasnt a story that we set out to do, it found us. In 1982 we were set out in reporting the recession of that decade. They traveled around the nation with job seekers, by buses, and cars, and on airplanes. This book took us three decades to write, but the title some place Like America, comes from Louis Adamic, and his book called My America. And talking about hard times, but we just reworded it.
  One of the main purpose was, to set out on this journey after it found us, and compared the wold from the depression times, to the ressecion times. And its going to be hard work, but we can overcome these hard times. I really enjoyed reading this article, the purpose was to educate you, and inform its readers about soiety, from the past to the present.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hum 221 Peace and Conflict Studies/ Changing Education Paradigms

                                                                                                                                     Octavious R
                                                                                                                                           Writing II
Changing Education Paradigms

The topic that I choose to write about is Changing Education Paradigms; this topic is a serious matter when it comes to education around the world. Because the world is in a major crisis as of now and it has been like this for several years now. In the video that I watched on YouTube it states and answers how do we educated our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st century.
We really have no major solution or answer to this, because we don’t know what the economy will look like tomorrow. Or even next week, also another major concern in changing education paradigms, they are trying to educated our children so that they can have a central of cultural identity. They would like to do this because people need to know there cultural genes of our communities. They want to do these two major things while being a part of the pro set of globalization.
The changing education paradigms is nationwide, meaning every culture on earth is reforming public education. So how can you or how do you square theses this to meet perfect perfection. What they are trying to do is, to do what they had did in the past, which was alienating millions of kids who see these no point of going to school. But long ago the education system worked a lot like this; if you worked hard, and did well, you would have a college degree. Which would lead to a better pay, than a high school diploma, or no diploma, and that
means an outstanding job.
            But the kids of the 21st century don’t believe that, and that is a lot true because everybody knows it’s better to have a degree, than not but a degree isn’t a guaranteed to a job. So what we must know and understand is to raise standards in this horrible crisis and breakthrough. But it all goes back now to the current system, and how it was designed. But the current system was designed and conceived for a different age.
When this conceivement took place it was in the intellectual culture of enlightenment.  As well as in the economic circumstance of the industrial revolution, this idea was a revolution idea. To pay for education out of your taxes, but be for the mid of the 19 century, there was no such thing as public education. Many people objected to this revolution idea of public education.
 Need I say this revolution idea was free to everyone, as well as compulsive to everyone? So why did so many people object to it?
Well the people who set out theses so called laws, thought why we are setting out all this information if we feel that they are incapable or learning to read. As well as write, so the whole thing about it was a whole assumption about social capacities. There are two types of people, academic people, and non academic people. But the public education between the economic and intellectual has caused chaos.
Between the people because most people haven’t benefited from it, so the people who haven’t benefited from this suffer from ADHA. ADHD has risen tremendous through the standardizing growth of testing. We have a system of education that is modeled on the interest of industrialism. As well as the image of it and how it plays its role. I agree will this article a hundred percent and the person who analyzed this knew what they was talking about and couldn’t have said it better.

5 Question Homework

1.) Where I come from?
- My name is Octavious Robinson and I come from Jackson Mississippi
2.) What is your statictis of writing profession?
- My statistics with writing has been good, because of the teachers I had. Also if you dont know your field you shouldn't be in it.
3.) What is your belieftthat I hold?
- The belief that i hold is a Christian belief, also freedom of speech.
4.) Why am I in college?
- I'am in college because i want to own my own business one day, so my major consist of Business Management. The buusiness that I would like to own is my own shoe and clothing line.
5.) Some culture things that you are into?
- I'm a big fan of sports, exspecially the Boston Celtic, also I like to play pool.

My Result Of My Political Test