Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hum 221 Peace and Conflict Studies/ Changing Education Paradigms

                                                                                                                                     Octavious R
                                                                                                                                           Writing II
Changing Education Paradigms

The topic that I choose to write about is Changing Education Paradigms; this topic is a serious matter when it comes to education around the world. Because the world is in a major crisis as of now and it has been like this for several years now. In the video that I watched on YouTube it states and answers how do we educated our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st century.
We really have no major solution or answer to this, because we don’t know what the economy will look like tomorrow. Or even next week, also another major concern in changing education paradigms, they are trying to educated our children so that they can have a central of cultural identity. They would like to do this because people need to know there cultural genes of our communities. They want to do these two major things while being a part of the pro set of globalization.
The changing education paradigms is nationwide, meaning every culture on earth is reforming public education. So how can you or how do you square theses this to meet perfect perfection. What they are trying to do is, to do what they had did in the past, which was alienating millions of kids who see these no point of going to school. But long ago the education system worked a lot like this; if you worked hard, and did well, you would have a college degree. Which would lead to a better pay, than a high school diploma, or no diploma, and that
means an outstanding job.
            But the kids of the 21st century don’t believe that, and that is a lot true because everybody knows it’s better to have a degree, than not but a degree isn’t a guaranteed to a job. So what we must know and understand is to raise standards in this horrible crisis and breakthrough. But it all goes back now to the current system, and how it was designed. But the current system was designed and conceived for a different age.
When this conceivement took place it was in the intellectual culture of enlightenment.  As well as in the economic circumstance of the industrial revolution, this idea was a revolution idea. To pay for education out of your taxes, but be for the mid of the 19 century, there was no such thing as public education. Many people objected to this revolution idea of public education.
 Need I say this revolution idea was free to everyone, as well as compulsive to everyone? So why did so many people object to it?
Well the people who set out theses so called laws, thought why we are setting out all this information if we feel that they are incapable or learning to read. As well as write, so the whole thing about it was a whole assumption about social capacities. There are two types of people, academic people, and non academic people. But the public education between the economic and intellectual has caused chaos.
Between the people because most people haven’t benefited from it, so the people who haven’t benefited from this suffer from ADHA. ADHD has risen tremendous through the standardizing growth of testing. We have a system of education that is modeled on the interest of industrialism. As well as the image of it and how it plays its role. I agree will this article a hundred percent and the person who analyzed this knew what they was talking about and couldn’t have said it better.


  1. Octavius -- revise all writings to remove writing mistakes -- from now on I will not give credit if you do not do this.

    Also work on focusing your response around a single topic -- develop what it you want to say and stay focused on it.

    Avoid saying "they" when critiquing a person and/or collective -- specify exactly the person or group you are referring to in your critique.

    Credit 3rd response

  2. ooops, my mistake -- credit for 4th response
