Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital

  In the article called Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital was more of a informative article in my oponion. It informs you that the education of the United States is based on the a state of emergency. Also how its prevailing on the down side of failure. It goes into deatails and speakes about George W Bush's no Child Left Behind legislation.
  But who dont really need to blame the schools that the kids are attending, who takes the most blame is capital system. Because it is a growing failure, and now that we see the problem we need to fix it. The people in United States live in a era of structural crisis associated with a newer phase of capitalism. And we the people in United States go by a monopoly finance capital.
  Which is broke down into three major things the first one is the economic stagnation in the mature capitalist economies. Second is a dramatic shift to financialization, or economic expansion. And third the rapid concentration of capital on a global scale. We live in United States and the society that we live in is based off education.
  But the slow growth of the economy's endemic is  to search for new markets for investment. So under theses circumstances we refer to public education in the United States as an unexploited market opportunity. Education is a major move not only in the United States but its everywhere, because you have to have education in order to have a job. But the political economy of capitalist schooling way back in the 1970's was more to educate the secondary education in pioneering work.
 Schooling in Capitalist America was to illusion you on what the schooling and the schools was supose to be like. But by the 1980's the deterministic and economistic wasnt accounting for the complex cultural ways in which students and educators negotiated with the system. But alot of people do believe that the Schooling in Capitalist America is a constitute a useful springboard. From which it address the political economy of capitalist schooling.
  But this article states that schooling under capitalism is countered by powerful democratic resistance movements. Which I truely agree with, but schooling is meant to be taught and to serve production. But some may not know what the purpose of the elementary and secondary school's are for? The elementary and secondary school's are to power the production's of education.
  Also schools are mainly designed to reproduce existing classes and groupings. As well as  reinforce and legitimize the social relations of production of capitalist society as a whole. But verry little success or schooling comes from the secondary or elementary levels. Because much less knowledge is needed for later employment. But what you need for a good structure of is vocational-training institutes and colleges.

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