Wednesday, October 19, 2011

G-20 Benton 102 500 Word Essay

In the article that I read, entitled A Different Sort of Hope: What I learned in Pittsburg, Part 2, which was a good article to read. Because in my opinion, it was very informative to me, as well as to others, who have read it. In this article, it was a main focus on the G-20, and explaining how the G-20 event held in Pittsburg, is either a very good thing, or a very bad thing. In this event of the second march, at Pittsburg they planned to once again, attend another downtown march, at the convention area, and then march across the city, to join up with the resist G-20 non-permit protest.
 When they finally arrived, they still set eyes and saw the protestors, as well as groups of tourist. And not to forget about the police, who was armed, and ready with extreme back up, with their horses by their side? The police was armed heavily, from head to toe, as they were walking, they noticed a group of Japanese tourists, with the G20 badge around their necks. A person from this camp was taking pictures of this event, as well as with groups of attractive females.
 And the officers allowed them to take pictures, but someone ask the officer can you take a picture with use. And the officer didn’t seem happy, about being in a picture. But while they was in the group trying to see if the officer would want to take a picture with us, somebody snapped a picture without any permission. As being view by us, we seen people marching with signs held in their hands. Christian people, who had attended the march, shouted we should follow Jesus.
 Amazingly, and shockingly, 420 activists used this opportunity of the G20 event, to advance their voices to be heard, for freely obtained legal weed. It took us two hours to walk across the city, to join up with the Arsenal Park protest rally. But when we got there, we were shocked, and surprised, that the place we were trying to go to see had been blocked off. As well as many other streets, so now we are walking our legs off, and very tired.
 So we decided to try to find another way around the road blocks, there wasn’t really any short cuts, because of all the roads had been blocked off. So we took the long route. Now it’s night time, of our day two event, and we didn’t even get to make it at the protest. But luckily we were able to talk to the patrons, and they informed us, that everyone was warned away, because of the media promoted narrative, of violence. But the Patrons that I talked to, on most of the trip, told me how we feared the local media.
 Later that night, we saw videos of the police, and the black blocks. Which are marchers who dressed in all black? Because their march wasn’t permitted, so they always had to hide their faces. Later on that night, police began shooting rubber bullets, pepper spray, and tear gas, at the students on the grounds; also they proceeded to fire into the dorm balconies, and stairwells, at students, simply observing the confrontation. Which had no reason for, this article mainly talks about how the G-20 is being held, and what happens at the G-20, and how the top 20 richest countries, has the most power to make a major move, to bring good things.
Or at least try to, but on the other hand, the police who promised that they would have a road block,  so that cars wouldn’t be able to come through,  so we could march. Was still active, so theses officers lied to us, on day three we attended the march, and they had music, people sung, various speakers explained their causes, and a general sense of progressive politics was communicated. But Its sadly to say more, people don’t know about the G-20, and when it’s held, or never even heard about it. But they really do need to educate their selves on this information, which is the G-20 held in Pittsburg.

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